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ΙΨΔ και αδέρφια

Γνωρίζουμε ότι μπορεί να είναι δύσκολο όταν ένας αδελφός ή μια αδελφή έχει ΙΨΔ. Ελπίζουμε ότι αυτό βοηθά όλα τα αδέρφια να κατανοήσουν καλύτερα την ΙΨΔ. Τα αδέρφια έχουν σημασία!

Συμβουλές για αδέρφια

1. Learn about OCD

You should learn about obsessions and compulsions, symptoms of OCD and how it’s treated so that you can support your sibling and parents. We have some basic definitions here.


2. Talk. Talk. Talk.

Speak with your parents and even your sibling’s therapist so you understand what may trigger OCD and ways you can be supportive.


3. Speak Up

You probably know this, but OCD is selfish and wants to steal all the attention. Make sure your sibling knows you want to help, and that your parents understand that you have needs too.


4. Help Out with Therapy

OCD therapy isn’t easy for your sibling, so figure out what your role is. It may take a while to figure this out, but at least you'll know how to help every day. You may also find creative ways to join in his/her exposure therapy. For example, Charlotte from our film would play catch with her sister, Vanessa. They would toss "contaminated" clothes to each other across a room.


5. Don’t Let OCD Bully YOU!

OCD may make your brother or sister scared, anxious and do strange rituals. You need to know that your sibling’s OCD shouldn’t control you. Sometimes OCD may make your brother or sister demand you do certain things a specific way. For example, Holden from our film would demand that his sister Tatum not to touch things that his OCD said were contaminated. A therapist helped Tatum learn to talk back to Holden's OCD. Our friend and licensed therapist, Natasha Daniels, has these suggestions for siblings.


6. Meet An OCD therapist

Ask your parents if you can have a private session with your sibling’s therapist. This way you can get answers to your questions and hear from a licensed expert. Both Charlotte and Tatum had separate and joint sessions with their siblings therapists.


7. Establish boundaries

Sometimes in places where your parents are not, like school or camp, adults and teachers will look to you to help your sibling with OCD. This can be overwhelming. Sibilngs shouldn't feel responsible or pressured to help if they don't feel up to it. Tell the adults to call your parents or caregiver if this happens. 


8.Your ideas go here....

We want to hear from you. Please email us your advice so we can add your advice!

Αποσπάσματα από άλλα αδέρφια

"Έμαθα ότι η αδερφή μου δεν έχει επιλογή. Δεν επιλέγει να κάνει τελετουργίες."

- Ζακ, 16

"Ο θεραπευτής του αδερφού μου εξήγησε την ΙΨΔ με τρόπο που μπορούσα να καταλάβω. Έμαθα ότι θα μπορούσα να είμαι ενεργό μέρος της λύσης."

- Ματθαίος, 21

Πρόσθετοι πόροι

Υποστηρίξτε τη Ruby, ένα αδερφάκι που συγκεντρώνει χρήματα για την ευαισθητοποίηση της ΙΨΔ

Η Δρ Michelle Witkin μιλάει για την ένταξη των αδελφών μέσω του The OCD Stories

Μαθαίνοντας να ευδοκιμείτε όταν το OCD είναι στην οικογένειά σας μέσω του OCD SoCal

Sibling Resource Page μέσω του Peace Of Mind Foundation

« Όταν ένα μέλος της οικογένειας έχει ΙΨΔ » ένα βιβλίο του Jon Hershfield

« Οδηγίες για τη ζωή με κάποιον που έχει ΙΨΔ » μέσω του iOCDF

" A note from a sister to a brother " μέσω του The Mighty

Ακούστε τα αδέρφια να μιλούν για την ΙΨΔ

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